
Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy


Sensory Integration Therapy helps kids with sensory processing issues by exposing them to sensory stimulation through lots of play based activities in a structured and repetitive ways.

Sensory Integration Therapy usually takes place in an organized place called as sensory rooms. These rooms are specifically designed to develop the child senses usually through colourful lightning, music, swings, and various sensory soft play objects. Child gets an unrestrained non-threatening space where they can express themselves uninhibited and enjoy the time during the session as their personal heaven. This freedom lets their teacher, therapist or care taker to see and observe their likes, dislikes, what calms them and what arouses them.

For the kids with sensory processing difficulties like autism; Occupational Therapist or the Sensory Integration Therapist develops an individualised sensory plan as per the child’s need called as SENSORY DIET.

“Sensory diet is a treatment strategy used to manage sensory processing difficulties. It is tailor made as per the child requirement to take care of their individual sensory needs.”

Sensory diet is established and then evaluated and modified over time to meet the child’s need as their sensory processing changes or environmental demands shifts. Thus a sensory diet consists of sensory activities that helps a child to feel calm and organized which then helps them to obtain optimal state of learning, attention and behaviour.

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